Sunday, January 26, 2014

Inside McDonald's

I watched Inside McDonald's and found it to be very intense in a way. How many people do you think McDonald's serves a day? The answer is 52 MILLION people....that is a huge amount! Just thinking about that and reflecting on the class discussions, the book I have been reading and the blogs and how much food is processed it makes it kind of scary to think about. In the movie it is all about McDonalds and talks about the restaurants, employees, and food. I picked this movie mostly because I read Fast Food Nation, which made many references to McDonalds and other fast food companies. I googled a few videos after watching the movie and found this video about where the meat comes from to very interesting. I also came across a video where there was a fight within McDonald's!

A few facts that I found to be interesting is that McDonald's has more than 31 thousand restaurants in 118 countries! That is a lot of McDonald's and to even think about they are located all over the world. Within the movie it talks about how the location of McDonald's really lead to the most business. The McDonald's on the express ways attract the most customers because it is so convent. Also, it is said that McDonald's sell mostly hamburgers and fries the most out of all the food they offer on their menu. I am not sure why that is it just seems to be that way because I think of things as if I am driving and eating a hamburger would be pretty challenging to eat while driving....even though it would probably be dangerous for me! While watching how McDonald's packages their food up is very gross! It does not seem clean to me at all and after watching that made me rethink if I will ever want to eat McDonald's again! I found a short clip like the part that they showed in the movie to show this. While watching this movie it for sure will continue to change the way I eat and what I now consider to eat!


  1. I watched Supersize me and found similar information, their expansion and hold over our country is scary.

  2. I cant believe that many people. But its still not that surprising there are just so many Mc. Donald's!
