Monday, January 27, 2014

Personal Essay Idea

For my personal essay about food I am thinking about writing about my eating habits. I want to talk about how as a baby I was obsessed with eating carrots and then as my life goes on I always have a type of food or restaurant that I am obsessed with! My Great-Grandma always had an eating habit like this too and my family always talks about how I am just like her with food. I have attached a picture of my family, my boyfriend, and my grandparents and two of my cousins from this weekend we went to Benihana's for dinner, which is a place I love to eat at and even get carryouts from.  Then I want to tie in how working at our Country Club has impacted my food habits. I also want to talk about how college has impacted my eating habits and has caused them to change a lot. Any feedback or comments would be greatly appreciated! (:


  1. Kelsey, A paper like this would be fine, IF you draw on the reading, discussion, films and so on that we have been doing in our class to think about your eating in new ways relevant to issues in food studies.

  2. I think it would be really insightful for you to write about your evolving relationship with food. Good idea

  3. I feel like since I've come to college I have developed really bad eating habits. Not like eating a lot of bad food, but just not eating enough food. And when I do its just not healthy.
